The Berrysmith Foundation

Creating a Legacy of Health and Wellbeing.

Feeding the world’s burgeoning population is shaping up to be one of the greatest challenges facing mankind. There is increasing scientific evidence that our traditional food production methods are causing havoc to our environment and ecosystems.

Sustainable Food Solutions

There has to be a better way. It has to be possible to produce healthy, nutritious food for all of the world’s population without destroying our planet.

The Berrysmith Foundation’s aim is to lead the world in the development of sustainable systems to grow healthy, nutritious food for virtually everyone – regardless of land availability, climate, soil conditions, location, natural resources or large capital investment.

We believe New Zealand has the potential to become a global pioneer in the development of sustainable food solutions, and in doing so, further enhance our international reputation as the premier food producer.

Our Top Goals

Sustainable Growing Systems

Research, test, develop and promote growing systems based on the model of a natural ecosystem to provide genuine, sustainable food production on a worldwide basis.

Breakthrough Research and Development

Be the catalyst for ground-breaking and scientifically proven research into sustainable food production.

Raise Awareness and Understanding

Play a leading role in raising the awareness of the benefits that healthy, nutritious food can have on our population.

Food Production without Compromising the Environment

Foster and promote unique intellectual capital to solve long time systemic inefficiencies in traditional growing methods, such as cost of production, large scale use of land, depletion of natural resources (e.g. water tables), contamination of surrounding environment from waste by-products and chemicals.

Sustainable Solutions That Can Be ‘Scaled’

Develop commercially viable (sustainable) food growing systems that make it possible to feed the world, regardless of the season, region, climate and availability of natural resources

Lead The Way Through Education

Be a powerful voice that leads to a change in awareness, thinking, understanding and behaviour.

For more info on our sustainable food solutions go to